
Showing posts from 2019


  WIFI Now a days usage of internet has increased a lot and still increasing must a very high rate. WIFI is aone of the most needful device across the globe with many features. Anyone can have an excess to it and a single WiFi can be used within a limited range for a number of pupils nearby. It lo provides very high speed connection. First WiFi was used on August 11, 1942 by Hedy Kiesler Market. SPEED OF WIFI ACROSS THE GLOBE The masters of net testing is Ookla. There are many ways to check your own network speed. The link is World fastest WiFi speed is 91gb per second and it is 13,000 times faster than normal speed. It is available in NASA. INCOME OF THE EMPLOYEES WORKING IN WIFI COMPANY minimum starter package of normal software engineer is rs 10,000 and it rise up to Rs. 50,000 per month. WIFI WORKING Introduction Wireless technology has widel...